
Wednesday, May 5, 2021

The Great Pacific Garbage Patch slide



  1. Hi Andrei,

    I like how you have put alot of information about the great pacific garbage patch and have said what the impacts are for the ocean wildlife. I also liked how you have added photos and videos of the information.

    Next time you could add a blurb at the start of the blog post and explain what you have done in this unit so far. Next time you could add some information on what plastic is in the great pacific garbage patch and how much it weighs.


  2. Hi Andrei! I love the fact that you inserted photos and diagrams to show how something looked like. I really like the fact that you put a video to give us additional information on how we can help clean up the oceans.

    Next time you should try put in information on what you are posting about, because other people may not know what you are posting about. Other than that, you have done an amazing job. Have a great day!
