
Tuesday, May 25, 2021

Shark finning

We were asked to make a blog post on shark finning and the problem it imposes on our oceans, so here it is. We were given three questions to answer in some full detail.

1. What is it?

Shark finning is a practice common all around in Asia, like China. It involves catching lots of sharks, specifically, and cutting off all of the fins, and throwing the remains back into the ocean. The fins are then used for delicacies like shark fin soup.

2. Why is it a delicacy?

It is a delicacy because it was originally established to showcase a person, particularly an emperor, that they're wealthy and that they have a victorious power over sharks. That, and they were also considered to be medicinally beneficial. Nowadays, they're just bought and used to showcase someone's wealth.

3. How is this impacting our oceans?

According to scientists and environmental researchers, sharks are apex predators, and should they die out completely, the fish they feed on will overpopulate, and eat all of their supplies, dying out, and then the next ones down the food chain will follow suit until the smallest organisms in the ocean die out, and the ocean is turned into a swampy graveyard full of corpses.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Andrei,

    I like how you have explained to us about what finning is and how it is an impact on our oceans. I also like how you have told us what country's this is happening in.

    Next time you could add a video about shark finning.

