
Wednesday, May 5, 2021

English - Critical Literacy

Today in English class, we watched a video from Onion News Network, portraying a brain-dead teenager only capable of texting and rolling her eyes, sighing and muttering and groaning.

1. What makes this video convincing?

The video was recorded like an actual news network, and the people acted to their best. There were also "medical experts" and protests in the video to support two sides of an argument.

2. Who published this video?

The Onion News Network, or The Onion. It is famous for making satirical portrayals of stereotypes and such, like the video we've watched.

3. How are teenagers portrayed in the video?

The teenager in question is shown to be lazy, only ever rolling her eyes in response to most things, only texting and talking on social media.

4. Why has the director cast them this way?

To portray how older generations see today's teenagers, and to just make fun of the stereotype itself. Maybe.

5. In whose interest is the text?

For adults, who may laugh or agree with the video. Other teenagers, who may laugh as well.

6. Who is real in the text?

The actors are real; the characters and people in the text are not. However, they are played in a way that makes them seem real.

7. What social realities does this video portray?

It portrays how older generations, like our parents and grandparents, see the younger generations: lazy and brain-dead. It also shows how things would most likely go upon discovery to the public. How the protest for the girl's life went, the medical expert advocating for the decision to euthanize instead, and the paperwork and preparation for the girl's eventual passing.

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