
Thursday, May 27, 2021

Bycatch and Sustainable fishing

 What is bycatch?

Bycatch is a harmful way of fishing that involves catching types of fish and animals that weren't expected to be caught. Example, when you try to catch some tuna, you end up catching two dolphins. You may have the option to release the animal, but the chances of it being dead before you could are very high.

How is commercial fishing a threat to dolphins and bird life?

Because of bycatch. When commercial fishing is enacted, they may accidentally catch unwanted prey, like listed above, dolphins and birds. Lots of dolphins caught because of bycatch are covered up by stickers saying that they’re dolphin-free, even though they might not be.

What kinds of fishing are sustainable?

There are many multiple ways of sustainable fishing, such as spearfishing, hook-and-line, and apparently, cast-nets. Spearfishing is one of the most sustainable yet more challenging sustainable fishing methods, and cast-nets require more skill, and yield more fish.

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