
Friday, April 3, 2020

Blogging from Home: Part 1

   Hello, everyone. Please wash your hands and them to yourself, practice social distancing and DO NOT lick toilet seats. I mean seriously, come on.
        - Me

 So this blog will be centered entirely on what I think of the new Kahui rooms of Hornby High.

My thoughts:
   So, my thoughts about the new Kahui is that it is roomy, well-suited and very well constructed. The beams provide immense support for the buildings in any cases of an earthquake. There are separate rooms in where the students can have their quiet time to learn and practice communicating with each other.

What I like about it:
   There are many rooms in where we can think properly and work as a group, provided no one inside with us is causing a commotion. They also provide us a chance to communicate better as a team. The rooms also have large space to fit many students.

    I would want to talk longer, but I really can't remember anything I do or don't like about them. Sorry about that! Anyway, thank you for reading this and thank you for viewing this. Please provide some feedback and some advice for any future blogs. Thank you!
          - Me

1 comment:

  1. Hi Andrei.
    Good public service announcement ... especially about licking toilet seats! I'm surprised that Jacinda Ardern hasn't thought to mention that advice in her press conferences!
    Thanks also for your feedback about our new buildings, it was great to hear the things you like about them. I'm like you ... I like to see the huge beams that will protect up if we have another big earthquake! I always feel safe when I see them high above us. However, there must be some things you don't like about the buildings (maybe the colour scheme or the cupboards between M1 and M4) and it would be good if you gave a balanced view (likes and dislikes), with a concluding statement at the end (e.g. "My overall conclusion is ...").

    Keep up the good work
