
Monday, September 23, 2019

The Time To Act Is Now

   Hello, again. We just moved into a new Kahui, so... I'm back!
         - Me

Definition: the process of something becoming acidic

 What is happening to the oceans?
     Climate Change is affecting the oceans very rapidly, as it sucks in 1/3 of the world's carbon dioxide. Carbon dioxide is a harmful greenhouse gas that contributes to Climate Change and Global Warming.

 What does this do to seashells?
     The ocean absorbs so much carbon dioxide, that calcium, the nutrient that seashells use to make their shells, is being counter-attacked by the Co2 in the oceans. Thus, the shells are being damaged and the process if making shells have become slower.

How does Climate Change contribute to the acidification of the oceans?
      Climate Change is caused by greenhouse gases that are harmful to the environment. Some well-known greenhouse gases are Carbon Dioxide and Methane. These greenhouse gases make the oceans more acidic since the oceans absorb both gases. And both gases are harmful to the environment.

 Well, that's the content for this. Please provide me some feedback for future posts. Thanks!
                    - Me

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