
Tuesday, February 16, 2021

What Metal I'd Be

 If I were a metal element I’d like to be tungsten and my symbol is W.

My atomic number is 74 which means I have 74 protons in my nucleus and 74 electrons around my nucleus.
At room temperature (20C) I will be a solid.
My melting point (the temperature when I turn from solid to liquid) is 3,422 °C
My boiling point (the temperature when I change from liquid to gas) is 5,555 °C
I was first discovered by Juan Jose and Fausto Elhuyar in 1781
I am found in nature as ore minerals in wolframite, scheelite and ferberite.
My uses to humans are in uses for hard materials because of my high melting point, alloys because of my hardness and heat resistance, permanent magnets, and uses for armaments and as a substitute for gold. There are more uses for me.
Some interesting things about me is that my highest production rate is in China and an important part in the Rwandan economy.

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