
Friday, September 4, 2020

My Photomontages

  So, I got a bit sour over some dumb game because my friend didn't give me much of a chance and because of my own dumb mistakes. And, this is for my Art blog, so I'm kinda not sure if this is gonna calm me down or make me even more sour. But, anyways, onto the blog.

   In my Art class, we were tasked to make about three photomontages, each with their own photos and meaning (except for the new kid who got to do only one (coz obvious)). We find the photos in Google and put on the "Labeled for Reuse" option for whatever reason. We opened an app called to make sure the photos had no background and that the most noticeable thing was the only thing there.

    On Google Drawings, we pieced the photos together, altered the colors and lighting to create an image with a meaning, reminiscent of Hannah Hoch's work - the person who we were studying about. To be honest, because I was in Art class, I was expecting more drawings and techniques instead of photomontages. That put my mood very far down, through rock bottom. Have things like these happened to you before?

     Anyway, most of, if not, all of us finished our photomontages. During a time when Art class wasn't on, I was clearing out a drive and accidentally got rid of my scrapbook - the thing we put the photos we used on - permanently.

    I'm gonna put the images here and tell you what they mean, and it is also very obvious as I put the context in the photos themselves.

This image is meant to scream the idea that when people become desperate, people will turn to dark and dangerous things just to get some money.

This image obviously says that no matter who wins or who loses, a loss comes for both sides in a war. Whether it be land, a country, people or belongings, it is a loss.

This image was made to say that regardless of your skin color, personality and such, we are equally the same and it was completely useless to try and discriminate someone other than to receive a bad image.

    How I pieced the first image together was using a few images in my scrapbook and cut a piece of the hand to make it look like it's holding the knife and money. The other two I made after I accidentally got rid of the scrapbook. I just plastered a couple images and backgrounds together.

   If you wanna see the teacher's resource, inspiration, site and such, here's the link:

   For a while now, I haven't worked on a proper goodbye so... Thank you for reading this blog and I will see you in the next one.


  1. Hi Andrei
    You've certainly put a lot of emotion into your post this week, and I wonder whether there is something that has caused you to be so negative apart from an online game? Games are meant to be fun, and surely any game that gets you this angry isn't worth investing your time and passion in!
    The "whatever reason" you have been asked to use images that are "Labeled for Reuse" is because if you don't use this option you will be using someone else's work without their permission, which is illegal.
    I'm sorry you deleted your files accidentally - can you see now why it is important that you store your files in the correct Google Drive folders in the first place?
    I hope this week will be a better week for you and that you will be back to your normal positive self.
    - Mr Mitchell

  2. Kia Ora Andrei,
    The writing about your photo-montage is succinct and the ideas expressed in the work are worthy of praise. Clearly you've been thinking about inclusiveness for example. You backgrounds do provide lots of context, as you point out. does allow for quite a bit of drawing if this is what interests you. If you were to continue with photo-montage you could try eliminating the background images altogether and try draw through your photographs with the eraser. Thanks for posting you work and making such a good effort to complete the assignment. Ka pai!

  3. Hello Andrei
    This blog post was very intresting the way you put this made it more intresting to read.
    your pictures have really cool meanings you have put thought in to your work.
    There is no comment I need to say for you to improve your work.
    you did a really good job and what did you find difficult make these pictures.

  4. Kia ora Andrei, I hear your voice very, very clearly in the post. Make sure you moderate that when you know you are feeling a bit less than positive as you might find you go back to it and think, maybe I was a bit hard on myself. I really appreciate that I can hear your kaupapa in your work - by that I mean you have a concept, meaning or reason for making visual choices in your work. That is what Artists do, it is never just pretty pictures with no thought, so well done.
