
Thursday, August 27, 2020

Our Sustainability Class

  In our Sustainability class, we studied about our planet and the problems we have on our planet, caused by humans or for other reasons. We learned about overpopulation and the pollution and more problems inflicted on our planet. In the last few weeks of our subject, we did a project focusing on any of our entire subject; a report, an investigation and the project, one we could do in groups.

The evidence of my learning is on this site:
   In the class, we studied about the recent virus outbreak: the Corona-Virus, climate change, overpopulation and such. We used math in our subject to learn and understand these more. We learned about the resources of the planet and how we can use or replace them for better alternatives. In our last few weeks and the project, me and my teammate tried to create a board game focusing on the planet's safety and preservation. This is what me and my teammate has got so far.
The pieces and the dice for our board game.

The prototype of the board game we're gonna print.

My reflection on this entire subject is that I have almost fallen asleep a few times. Aside the class from being able to put a kid to sleep, overall, it was a nice class. I had fun doing the projects and activities and I was able to use my learning to further improve my understanding of the world and its issues.

   Thank you to the people who have helped me learn, and my teacher, Mr. Carter.

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