
Monday, July 27, 2020

Sustainability, Again

   Hello, this is a blog post for my Sustainability.

  Our planet has been here for billions of years, and we have only been here for 200,000 years. We have evolved to survive in every climate and our population has grown exponentially. The rising number of humans in the planet has motivated us to find different ways of making life easier, and that is with the use of technology. Unfortunately, like every good thing in this universe, it comes at a cost.

Since the First Industrial Revolution, the number of carbon has grown massively at +400 million particles. The effects of this on us and our planet were unnoticeable at first or completely ignored, but over time, the changes have gotten more and more obvious and damaging. Carbon alone has its problems, but combined with the heat of the sun and ultraviolet light rays are worse than anything else.

  With the rising carbon levels in the atmosphere, the heat from the sun gets trapped more and more, causing our planet to heat up to almost intolerable levels. Not only that, polar ice caps have also started melting, causing freshwater to flood into the sea, raising the sea level and kill hundreds of species of saltwater fish. Should this continue, our planet's temperature will increase over time and convert our home into an uninhabitable wasteland too hot for anything to survive in.

   If we want to keep everything from dying out, we should take steps to reduce the carbon levels. We should use vehicles less and use bikes more. Bikes won't get you from the South to the North Island, so consider public transportation or airplanes and boats. My example might not be enough, but you can think of more ideas and do more than what some of us could. This planet is precious and unique; we should do all what we can to keep it clean and protected.

  This is my blog post. Thank you for reading this.
If you want to learn more about climate change, use one of these links below:


  1. Hey Andrei!

    This is an amazingly written, well-referenced, blog post. You are not only able to articulate your ideas clearly and coherently, but you are also able to convey your voice and emotion. This is one of the best posts I have ever read! Well done!

  2. Andrei
    I enjoyed the way in which you referenced your commentary... I also enjoyed your positive suggestions about what we as individuals can do. I'd like to read your thoughts on HOW we might get people to take up at least one of these suggestions. Which of these do you 'do'?
