
Friday, July 3, 2020

Story of a Platelet

     Platelet: Oh no, my human is hurt! Better go to the wound and block up the cut!

   Hello, I am a platelet! I help clot your blood so that you won’t lose anymore! I act like a security guard preventing blood from leaving your body.
   I am also like a robot. Your brain--when it senses a minor injury, like a cut or scrape--sends me and my other friends to help block it. We had to go through lots of blood vessels just to get there!
   The red blood cells always try to rush out the wound, for some reason. That’s what me and my friends do: prevent them from leaving or going through! A lot of us are small, but they eventually listen!

  Platelets are the particles in your blood that help clot the blood to prevent you from bleeding out. On stained blood smears, they appear as dark purple spots on the blood. Platelets are also called thrombocytes. They have no cell nucleus and are only fragments of cytoplasm that derived from megakaryocytes--they are large bone marrow cells. Too much and too little and uncontrolled creation of platelets are always dangerous, because your body always has a balanced set of cells everywhere.

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