
Thursday, September 24, 2020

Conduction animation

 Another one for the week.

This animation is supposed to show how conduction works. The particles begin moving as they get hotter. I also moved the pan around to make it look like it's moving.

B&E and Market day

 Two to three weeks prior from now, we started an activity which involved the house colors. It was called 'business & enterprise' and we were being instructed to pair up in groups of four people. Since there were some extra people that weren't in groups, some of us had five people instead of four. From what I believe, this activity was meant to help us learn how to work with other people and how to run a business. They did a good job at it, I'll give them that.

During the weeks that followed, we prepared for Market Day, which began on Sep 24, Wednesday. We planned for what we were gonna make, what we were gonna call ourselves and how we were gonna execute our plans. We decided to make some afghan cookies and milkshakes and call ourselves 'Cookie Shakes'. Eventually, we scrapped the idea of milkshakes as the ingredients would've cost us extra and put us over the intended budget, and they would've been extra work.

We also began designing our banner for our stall. We got a good idea of using the netball posts to hang our banner, and because of that, our banner stood higher than the other ones. We got our ingredients at the last week, but couldn't make the cookies until the second to last day because we had no sugar and the person who was meant to bring sugar was out sick during the week and prior to. 

In Market day, we made some last-minute baking to make the icing for the afghans. We were told to go back to the kitchen when we finished cooking but forgot to clean our space. I bought the largest afghan we had for $1.50 worth of tokens. We also sold out of our afghan cookies very quickly because we had such a short supply. We also didn't have any extra ingredients to make anymore cookies the day before. 

When I got home, I gave the cookie I bought to my parents. They said it tasted good and that we did a good job at making them. I felt happy because of that, but I didn't feel confident that I would be okay cooking on my own.

This picture down here is our stall right after we've sold out. There's me in the middle, one of my group mates on the left and a friend of mine on the right.

Tuesday, September 15, 2020

Vietnam War inspired Photos

      Some Vietcong hiding in the bushes.

  Some US soldiers having some problems with the communications.

 More Vietcong on reconnaissance.

 A US soldier wandering in the bushes.

 A lone US soldier struggling to come in contact with other units.

 Vietcong soldiers being pinned down by US soldiers.

 See image above.

 A firefight nearby a city.

 Fighting in an open and devastated space.

Thursday, September 10, 2020

moar science

 As an introduction to our new Science class, we learn about matter, its definition and its forms. Matter is what makes up just about everything we know and see. One of the things we learned is what particle theory is.

Particle theory defines what matter is as a whole and how the particles work. It says that:

  • All matter is made up of particles
  • All particles in a pure substance are the same
  • There is space between all particles
  • Particles are always moving 
  • There are attractive forces between particles
  • Temperature affects the speed at which particles move
Also recently, we were taught about diffusion. Diffusion is a movement of particles from a high concentration from a lower one. Examples are the smell of perfume, because it smells strong when it is first sprayed, but since particles are always moving, the smell eventually diffuses. The rules of particle theory that applies is the 4th bullet point; particles are always moving.

In class, we also did an experiment: we were trying to see whether particles spread faster in cold or warm water.
  Aim: Observe the effect of temp. on speed of diffusion.
  Hypothesis: Hot=fast, cold=slow
  Method: We put some potassium permanganate in both petri dishes full of water, one of them hot and the other cold. 
  Observation and Explanation: When the chemical was placed in both dishes, it somehow spread faster in cold water than hot water. In the hot water, the water appears a lighter purple than the cold water which has a darker hue. This is because of the 6th bullet point; temperature affects the speed at which particles move.

Monday, September 7, 2020

My Version of a Timeline of 9/11

  In Hurumanu Three, we were tasked to pick a green box out of the pink and green ones and work on that. The options were earthquakes, about 9/11, the eruption of Mt Vesuvius or the Parihaka Day of Plunder and research on the wars of NZ. Out of all of those, I chose to work on 9/11. It took a while and two periods of classes to finish, but hey, I managed to finish. Here's the finished project:

Sure, the picture might be big, but hopefully you are able to read it. 

Friday, September 4, 2020

My Photomontages

  So, I got a bit sour over some dumb game because my friend didn't give me much of a chance and because of my own dumb mistakes. And, this is for my Art blog, so I'm kinda not sure if this is gonna calm me down or make me even more sour. But, anyways, onto the blog.

   In my Art class, we were tasked to make about three photomontages, each with their own photos and meaning (except for the new kid who got to do only one (coz obvious)). We find the photos in Google and put on the "Labeled for Reuse" option for whatever reason. We opened an app called to make sure the photos had no background and that the most noticeable thing was the only thing there.

    On Google Drawings, we pieced the photos together, altered the colors and lighting to create an image with a meaning, reminiscent of Hannah Hoch's work - the person who we were studying about. To be honest, because I was in Art class, I was expecting more drawings and techniques instead of photomontages. That put my mood very far down, through rock bottom. Have things like these happened to you before?

     Anyway, most of, if not, all of us finished our photomontages. During a time when Art class wasn't on, I was clearing out a drive and accidentally got rid of my scrapbook - the thing we put the photos we used on - permanently.

    I'm gonna put the images here and tell you what they mean, and it is also very obvious as I put the context in the photos themselves.

This image is meant to scream the idea that when people become desperate, people will turn to dark and dangerous things just to get some money.

This image obviously says that no matter who wins or who loses, a loss comes for both sides in a war. Whether it be land, a country, people or belongings, it is a loss.

This image was made to say that regardless of your skin color, personality and such, we are equally the same and it was completely useless to try and discriminate someone other than to receive a bad image.

    How I pieced the first image together was using a few images in my scrapbook and cut a piece of the hand to make it look like it's holding the knife and money. The other two I made after I accidentally got rid of the scrapbook. I just plastered a couple images and backgrounds together.

   If you wanna see the teacher's resource, inspiration, site and such, here's the link:

   For a while now, I haven't worked on a proper goodbye so... Thank you for reading this blog and I will see you in the next one.